Penelitian Stimulus Dosen

Nama HibahHibah Internal Penelitian
Nama ProgramPenelitian Kompetitif
Nama SkemaPenelitian Stimulus Dosen
AbstrakGeneral awareness of the importance of environmental problems requires efforts from all sectors to overcome climate change. Banks, as part of the financial sector institutions, cannot be separated from the guidance to change their business climate to environmentally friendly practices, even though banks do not contribute directly to environmental pollution. One of the things that banks can do to reduce environmental pollution in their operational activities is to apply the green banking concept. Several earlier empirical studies served as the foundation for this research. However, because it was conducted using various time periods and sample sizes, this study will be have a novelty. The application of green banking is another focus of this study, which aims to determine whether higher operating costs subsequent to the implementation of the policy will result in lower bank profitability or higher profitability. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the adoption of green banking disclosure index has unlocked the profitability of Indonesia’s Islamic Commercial Banks that have registered with the Financial Services Authority. This study uses quantitative methods with panel data regression analysis. The Return on Assets (ROA) as the dependent variable. Meanwhile, the Green Banking Disclosure Index (GDBI) and green banking products as independent variables. The targeted research outputs are: First, for mandatory outputs is in the form of scientific articles in national journals with ISSN (external) accredited status, Sinta 3. Second, for additional outputs in the form of international seminar proceedings. Keywords: Green Banking Disclosure Index; Number of ATM Units; Return of Assets (ROA); Islamic Commercial Banks.
Pengusul Naahilah Hunafaa' Al-Qudsy, S.E., M.Sc.
Anggota 1 Naahilah Hunafaa' Al-Qudsy, S.E., M.Sc.
Anggota 2 Imam Haryadi, S.H.I., M.S.I.
Tahun Penelitian2024
Dana Non DiktiIDR 0,00