Penelitian Stimulus Dosen

JudulIslamization of International Relation: A Study of Final Year Undergraduate Students Department of International Relations, Universitas Darussalam Gontor
Nama HibahHibah Internal Penelitian
Nama ProgramPenelitian Kompetitif
Nama SkemaPenelitian Stimulus Dosen
AbstrakThe development of students at UNIDA Gontor needs to be continuously improved, especially in relation to their understanding in Islamization of International Relations. This is considering the important role of students in improving the quality of tertiary institutions to carry out their functions. More than that, students as an important element in higher education are expected to be able to contribute to the advancement of scientific development so that they can have an impact on the wider community in general. Apart from that, in supporting the realization of UNIDA Gontor's objectives in 2025 as a superior university and a World Class University in the process, implementation and desired results, inevitably it is mandatory to equate these objectives with the Islamization direction of students which are the hallmarks of the University.This research will produce a knowledge of the objectives that have been designed by UNIDA Gontor towards superior UNIDA Gontor and a World Class university related to undergraduate students' understanding with Islamization of knowledge with selected Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia and to find out how far they will understand the discipline which will be the benchmark for the realization of this objective. The output of this research is publication in an external scientific journal, namely Global Focus, (ISSN: 27769399) with a planned publication in 2024, as well as international seminar proceedings in the same year.
Pengusul Ahmad Zakky Mubarok, M.H.I
Anggota 1 Ali Musa Harahap, M.H.S., Ph.D.
Anggota 2
Tahun Penelitian2023
Dana Non DiktiIDR 3.000.000,00