Penelitian Kolaboratif Internasional

JudulGenetic Diversity of 5 Genotype of Taro Based on Morphological and Nutritional Characteristics
Nama HibahHibah Internal Penelitian
Nama ProgramPenelitian Kompetitif
Nama SkemaPenelitian Kolaboratif Internasional
AbstrakIndonesia is very rich in biodiversity including taro plants. Taro that is widely developed in Indonesia is the type of Colacasia esculenta var esculenta (dasheen type) and Colacasia esculenta var antiquorum (eddoe type). The aims of this study were: 1) Morphological characterization of taro plant genotypes 2) Identification of the nutritional content of taro plant genotypes. The research was conducted at the Greenhouse of the Cikabayan Experimental Garden, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University from June 2022-March 2023. The tools and materials needed were genotypes of taro plant Colacasia esculenta eddoe type and dasheen type and genotype of taro plant Xanthosoma sagittifolium. Identification of morphological characters using IPGRI taro descriptors. Identification of taro plant anatomy was carried out at the Microtechnical Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University, while nutritional analysis of taro plant tubers (analyze proximate, oxalate and glucomannan content tuber of taro) was carried out at the Post-Harvest Center, Ministry of Agriculture. Data will analyzed using analysis variance (ANOVA). If there was a significant effect of on the variables observed, Duncan’s continued test was used at the confidence level 5% using 22-0 version of SPSS software. Cluster analysis using hierarical cluster produced a cladogram which was used to assess the level of similarity of the taro genotypes from the data obtained. The outputs to be achieved in this research are the international journal Agrivita with accepted status and national journals with accepted status. TKT Research submitted by TKT 3
Pengusul Use Etica, S.P., M.MA.
Anggota 1 Mahmudah Hamawi, S.P., M.P.
Anggota 2Dr. Lutfy Ditya Cahyanti, S.P., M.P.
Tahun Penelitian2023
Dana Non DiktiIDR 0,00