Teknik Informatika

Nama HibahHibah Internal Penelitian
Nama ProgramPenelitian Mandiri Fakultas
Nama SkemaTeknik Informatika
Abstrak University of Darussalam Gontor is a campus that was just established in 2014 with fairly rapid infrastructure development. The design of the prototype building using brochures owned by University of Darussalam Gontor is considered not able to visually represent the building that have been or will be built properly. This research aims to implement Augmented Reality Book (AR-Book) technology as a introduction media and instruction tools for campus building layout, as well as a medium for documentation or archives that can be stored in the long term. Building data is obtained from observations by collecting data by observing directly in the location and visualizing if in the form of photos or videos taken using cameras and drones. This media is based on android mobile by using marker-based augmented reality technology to visualize the 3-dimensional shape of the created building object. Media is built following the stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model. Testing is carried out through 4 stages of testing namely, the BlackBox testing method, software functionality testing, distribution questionnaires, and testing media suitability. In the BlackBox testing method, it shows the application can run well. In testing the suitability of media, the results of the assessment obtained from media experts are 3D buildings that is made according to the original building, as well as in testing the functionality of AR-Book software can run well on android with a minimum of Android OS 7.0 with a resolution size of 5.5 inches. Based on the results of the questionnaire showed 76% of this application is feasible to use. Further research this media can be developed into the form of campus tour by utilizing virtual reality technology.
Pengusul Dihin Muriyatmoko, S.ST., M.T.
Anggota 1 Faisal Reza Pradhana, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Anggota 2
Tahun Penelitian2022
Dana Non DiktiIDR 0,00