Penelitian Kolaboratif Internasional

JudulThe Effect of Knowledge of Islamic Law, Halal Certification, Social Media and Service Quality on The Selection of Halal Cosmetics in Milenial Muslim Generations in Indonesia dan Malaysia
Nama HibahHibah Internal Penelitian
Nama ProgramPenelitian Kompetitif
Nama SkemaPenelitian Kolaboratif Internasional
AbstrakHalal has become a concern and lifestyle for people in the world, cosmetic products is one of this concern and lifestyle. There are some consumers who tend to choose cosmetic products based on well-known brands and ignore health issues and especially their halal status. So, the existence of halal certification for cosmetic products should be a guide for consumers about the halalness and availability of these products for consumption based on Islamic sharia rules. It also depends on whether someone's worship is valid or not. The use of halal products is the key for a Muslim which will have an impact on whether a person's worship is valid or not as a result of the goods and food he consumes and halal products must provide rules for the cleanliness and purity of the raw materials of the productions and technology of the process. Based on these facts, this study aims to determine the extent to which Islamic legal knowledge, halal certification, social media and service quality influence the selection of halal cosmetics in the millennial Muslim generation in Indonesia and Malaysia. By identifying the factors affecting that influence the selection of halal products, this research is considered important In this study, researchers used quantitative methods. The researchers used a primary data. Primary data comes from questionnaire data. And used the data collection technique through a questionnaire. aimed at millennial Muslim women, based on criteria, namely being Muslim, cosmetic users, located in Indonesia and Malaysia. And used multiple linear tests with the structural equation model method for data testing. This research is included in the basic research category which refers to TKT level 3. Therefore, this study measures the influence of knowledge of Islamic law, halal certification, social media and service quality on the selection of halal cosmetics in Indonesia and Malaysia so that it really gets significant results. The outputs targeted are scientific publications in the International Journal of Business and Society and in international scientific meetings in the Al-Thaqafah Journal, Sultan Azlan Shah University, ISSN (print): 2232-0474, E-ISSN (online): 2232- 0482 which will be issued in July 2023.
PengusulAssoc. Prof. Dr. Mulyono Jamal, M.A.
Anggota 1 Khurun'in Zahro', S.H., M.H.
Anggota 2Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syamsuri, M.A.
Tahun Penelitian2023
Dana Non DiktiIDR 0,00