Penelitian Kolaboratif Internasional

JudulANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CYBER PUBLIC RELATION IN PESANTREN (Case Study of the Instagram Uses as the Publicity Media on Pesantren in Indonesia)
Nama HibahHibah Internal Penelitian
Nama ProgramPenelitian Kompetitif
Nama SkemaPenelitian Kolaboratif Internasional
AbstrakSeveral pesantren in Indonesia has implemented cyber public relations through the use of social media as a publicity medium. There are two pesantren with the highest number of followers in Indonesia, namely is Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo Kediri and Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo. The research aims to examine the use of Instagram social media as a publicity medium in cyber public relations activities of pesantren referring to the 4C theory initiated by Cris Heuer with 4 indicators including context, communication, collaboration and connection. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection methods through observation, interviews and documentation. The research findings are expected to contribute ideas in the development of public relations scientific studies, especially in the context of cyber public relations, as well as make a practical contribution to the implementation of cyber public relations in pesantren through the use of Instagram. The targeted output from the results of this study is in the form of publication in a journal The Messenger e-ISSN: 2527-2810 Q3 JCI (WoS), Prosiding International Conference on Social and Political Sciences 2023. Keywords: Cyber Public Relations, Pesantren, Indonesia
PengusulMohammad Luthfi
Anggota 1Bambang Setyo Utomo
Anggota 2 Diah Rukmini, S.I.Kom., M.IKom.
Tahun Penelitian2023
Dana Non DiktiIDR 30.000.000,00